
Showing posts with label antique videos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label antique videos. Show all posts


The century-old giant poplars within and archaeological artifacts used as the cornerstone Fountain

archaeological artifactsThe century-old giant poplar tree house and used as a stone fountain in 1999 archaeological works that we have taken with a video camera, we view enter into this video a poplar tree, but now that poplar trees have various civilizations of the column head, etc. various archaeological artifacts have also view then


Does anyone have any idea about this stone in the field?

Does anyone have any idea about this stone in the field? We likened it to the Amethyst stone but we only find in this looks like a chickpea field stone shine precious stones Does a meteorite whether ordinary wonder whether a stone


Antique clocks, lamps, and others

Antique clocksAntique clocks, lamps, and other table clocks alcohol stove, coffee grinder, cameras, typewriters and hand dial Singer sewing machine are all active and running after the established flea market in Ankara Cebeci, of course, all has been made not work at the end of a long struggle

METU antique car exhibition

antique car exhibition METU antique car exhibition model Nokia 603 smartphone with a 5 megapixel camera in the shooting was done because it is not flash, but unfortunately this quality image could be obtained


Antique Rolls Razor Shavers Applied Promotional Video

Rolls Razor ShaversAntique Rolls Razor Shavers sales of Applied Promotional Video Shaving, which started selling in the United States in 1930 as a commercial machine lasted until 1958

Beiret Antiques Camera Trailer old but still running

Beiret Antiques CameraBeiret Antiques Camera Trailer old but still running

implications for a variety of antiques shops sold woodwork

interesting antiques, Charcoal Irons, various chandeliers, antique radiogramWood works sold in the shop several antiques in İskilip this shop, wood carving items nests boxes available in various sizes, but hookah filled with shop window is much more interesting antiques, Charcoal Irons, various chandeliers, antique radiogram and indispensable old has houseware